[T2] Door gasket

[T2] Door gasket

doktortim at rockisland.com doktortim at rockisland.com
Thu Apr 6 10:13:44 PDT 2017

I have yet to see an aftermarket gasket with the same cross-section as the
German originals, which are very hard on hand and wrist muscles to install

As to the Brazilian seals, do ask the supplier. I expect he knows the good
tech to install that one.

> Hi all,
> Almost time to dust off your babies, if you haven't done so already, for
> spring!
> I chipped out the passenger side door gasket so I can install a new one.
> I'm confused as to reinstall the new one. I looked at the driver's side
> door to see how it's installed, but it too is very old and some of the
> rubber is missing.
> I've been looking on line as to which side of the gasket goes in the
> groove, but all I can find is the finished product.
> Does the groove of the gasket go over the lip of the door?
> I also bought the Brazilian gaskets from BusDepot, and noticed there is
> about a foot of extra gasket once I dry fit the thing.
> Has anyone else run into this problem? Have I wasted all that money by
> buying Brazilian rubber instead of German?
> Bob
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