[VB] Brakes

[VB] Brakes

c.dreike c.dreike at verizon.net
Tue Jul 16 09:43:35 PDT 2019

Hi Guys,
That last post regarding brakes needs some clarification. I had a
conversation with Vince at CH Toppings about the different grades of brake
linings. It seems that the chart I linked in my last post was old and
refers to the asbestos linings and does not reflect current materials.
According the Vince, the proper material is supplied by Federal Mogul and
is rated EE. He looked at a couple other sets of shoes I brought with me
and found out that they were semi-metalic. Do Not use semi-metalic shoes in
your buses. The will wear out your drums way too quickly.

64DD Kamper Kit
71 Sunroof

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