[VB] vintagebus Digest, Vol 38, Issue 1

[VB] vintagebus Digest, Vol 38, Issue 1

veewee111 at aol.com veewee111 at aol.com
Sat Apr 29 12:32:35 PDT 2017

 Hi Kevin,
Can not get the link to work.  Plus so hard to read stuff on this list....  A magnetic flashlight like the one Harbor Freight gives away is a good one to have on board.  Best used with rechargeable batteries.



Subject: [VB] Engine compartment lightMessage-ID:	<BN3PR0401MB15095826C025C11532987BC0B9120 at BN3PR0401MB1509.namprd04.prod.outlook.com>	Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Anyone ever use something like this in their engine compartment? Seems like this, or something like it would be pretty handyOxyLED OxySense T-02U USB Rechargeable 20 Bright LED Night Light, Stick-on Anywhere Motion Sensing Light Bar-Kevin GuarnottaJamaica Plain, MA'78 Westy'69 Singlecab'65 Ez-camper------------------------------Subject: Digest Footer_______________________________________________vintagebus mailing listvintagebus at type2.comhttps://www.type2.com/lists/type2/listinfo------------------------------End of vintagebus Digest, Vol 38, Issue 1*****************************************

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