[T2] discharge warning light

[T2] discharge warning light

Robert Mann robtmann7 at gmail.com
Thu May 17 00:56:42 PDT 2018

    In the course of tightening the 36mm nut back on, with the air cleaner
off for access, my eagle-eyed buddy Dennis chanced to notice a spark at the
+ lug on the fuel solenoid (high on the Brazilian Weber).  This in itself
is remarkable; we don't normally expect a mere 12V to initiate a spark.
Bending the lug and covering that union with PVC electrician's tape
immediately restored the discharge warning light to a far better regime:
light goes out upon revving to c.1200 rpm, and stays right off even back
down at idle.
    This could be a serious contender for the title 'weirdest malfunction
of the year'.  Anyhow, it is a big relief to me with my half-gone


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