[T2] Voltage regulator

[T2] Voltage regulator

c.dreike c.dreike at verizon.net
Wed Jun 27 19:46:18 PDT 2018

If the generator stand was installed with bolts instead of studs, the 
stand could come out and the generator could be removed with the fan 
attached. Might need to remove the intake manifold too.  I replaced my 
studs with bolts last time I had the engine out.

64DD Kamper Kit

On 6/27/2018 4:26 PM, Greg Potts wrote:
> Well then, you learn something new every day.
> Greg Potts
> Field Service Engineer
> ND Graphics Inc.
>> On Jun 27, 2018, at 6:41 PM, Bob Pratt <ka1dza at verizon.net> wrote:
>> It's very difficult! I can't get my hand behind the dog house with a socket to remove the nut holding the cooling fan. If I were to drop the nut or the washers (almost guaranteed) I would never be able to find them. It's just easier to pull the engine!
>> Bob
>>> On Jun 27, 2018, at 6:34 PM, Greg Potts <slowlanemusic at icloud.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Bob,
>>> I’m not really up to speed on the type1 motors and generators, but isn’t it possible to remove the generator without pulling the motor?
>>> Greg Potts
>>> Field Service Engineer
>>> ND Graphics Inc.
>>>> On Jun 27, 2018, at 6:25 PM, Bob Pratt <ka1dza at verizon.net> wrote:
>>>> I did a "Bentley" check on the VR and found that it's only putting out 10.34 volts, or so I thought.
>>>> I received a new VR yesterday and installed it today. The GEN light is still on and won't go out. I put a volt meter on the battery and got a reading of 12.67 volts, the same reading I got before I replaced the VR!
>>>> I'm preparing to pull the engine, removing the generator and taking it down to the local junk yard to get it tested.
>>>> Bob
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