[T2] Generator.

[T2] Generator.

Bob Pratt ka1dza at verizon.net
Sun Jul 1 17:21:52 PDT 2018

The battery is a year old, the wiring is a year old. Yes I can read a schematic and I have a VOM,


> On Jul 1, 2018, at 7:31 AM, Joseph Delecki <jdelecki at msn.com> wrote:
> Bob, 
> Make sure all the wiring insulation and connectors in the engine bay to/from the generator and regulator are sound. No shorts or questionable connectors. 
> As suggested previously, make "sure" your battery is good. i.e. swap in another battery or take it to be tested.  (Been there done that !) And also take a quick peek at one of the brushes (as suggested) to check for abnormal wear. Doable with the generator mounted and unlikely  the problem for a two year old rebuilt generator. 
> In Bentley section 4 (Electrical System) under 6.2 (In-car Testing of generator and Regulator) perform 
> the simple tests that are suggested using a VOM with the generator in situ. At least you should get a clearer understanding where the problem might be occurring and how to approach the solution with confidence. 
> PS: I'm assuming you have a VOM and can read a wiring schematic. 
> Joe     71 1600 DP with generator/regulator 
> From: type2 <type2-bounces at type2.com> on behalf of Bob Pratt <ka1dza at verizon.net>
> Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2018 1:03 PM
> To: type2 at type2.com; accessys at smart.net
> Subject: [T2] Generator.
> A week ago the D+ wire came loose and shorted out on the DF post melting the wire connector from D+.
> I was only getting 12.6 volts to the battery from the VR. So I changed out the VR. No improvement.
> I checked the generator and it spins like an electric motor, but the voltage to the VR is only 12.6 and doesn't change on revving.
> Is it the generator that's bad? I'm scheduled to leave on a road trip to New Brunswick in a week and need to get the engine back in the bus!
> ALSO... I was checking the spark plugs and found #1 and #2 plugs a nice light tan color.
> #3 and #4 are black, but not really fouled.
> Is this an indication of burning oil in those 2 cylinders? If I need to do something about it, do I just replace the rings on just those 2 piston or do all 4?
> Thanks for any advice!
> Bob
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