[T2] Power loss in 4th

[T2] Power loss in 4th

Erik Burtis ewdb92 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 06:19:07 MST 2015

I'd start by checking the fuel line as it goes around the manifold on 3/4
head and out the front of the engine.  Then check to see where it rests as
it travels to the gas tank.  I've seen issues with the line being too close
to the manifold and/or the heat exchanger (especially if the exchanger
isn't hooked up to the bellows).  The suddenness of this issue after your
work changing the lines/pump doesn't sit well with a clog, perhaps the line
slipped and now rests too close to heat.
On the clogging side of things, I was thinking that if the engine formed a
vacuum in the fuel line as it starved for gas, perhaps that could cause the
noise you hear after shutting the engine off as gas slowly trickled past
the clog, pulled along by the vacuum. You can check for clogs the next time
this issue appears by pulling the line to the pump and seeing how much gas
comes out into a can.  But doing this on a hot engine is tricky so be
careful you don't spill the gas!  Use vice grips or snap clamp to help
start/stop flow.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:06 PM, Avocado Tom Tarka <avocadotom at gmail.com>

> Erik,
> That wouldn't surprise me.  I've never experienced vapor lock, so I'm not
> sure how or why that would happen.
> Hence the questions...  :)
> Maybe the engine is getting hotter than it was?
> Cheers,
>    Tom
> ---
>   "We are MoTown.  We are professionals.  We're here to get the job done."
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 5:36 PM, Erik Burtis <ewdb92 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Any chance the fuel line is too close to a heat source?  Perhaps the fuel
>> is boiling with the higher temps of driving up hill and slower rpms not
>> moving new fuel through the line fast enough.  The fuel expansion could
>> push fuel into the carb after shutting the engine off.  This characteristic
>> is the only thing that bother me with a line/tank clogging issue.  Your
>> symptoms remind me of boiling gas in my chainsaw last summer.  Loss of
>> power at low rpms, noisy carb, etc...

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