[T2] Gas issue

[T2] Gas issue

Nancy Hairston nhairsto73 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 11:38:30 PST 2020

Can anyone tell me what insurance you use for your VW?  Thanks, Nancy

> On Feb 18, 2020, at 11:47 AM, Dave Gillingham <dave at coronado-realty.com> wrote:
> Fellow Bussers:
> I recently attended a meeting of a Corvette Club at the invitation of one
> of my knuckle dragger friends.  I figured I could go along as the adult
> supervision :) . The meeting was at a private museum in Carson and the cars
> (mostly Mopar and Corvette) were incredible.  Some really unique vehicles.
> There was also a tech session on the dangers of pump gas - at least in CA.
> Turns out the ethanol added to essentially all pump gas in CA does really
> bad things to the carbs and rubber fuel lines on older cars.  For reasons I
> don't understand, later model cars with "closed" fuel systems are not
> affected.  As evidence, the presenter passed around a Holley carb for us to
> look at.  The accelerator pump tunnel was badly corroded!  Anyway the
> recommendation was to use an additive when filling your gas tank.  it
> convinced me.
> Fast forward a couple of months and my bus (73 Panel van with a 2.0 and
> dual Kadrons) wouldn't start one morning.  After futzing around with it I
> determined it to be a fuel problem.  Neither carb was getting gas.  I have
> an almost new (and expensive) fuel pump, and I had recently changed the
> main gas line (I try to do that annually) and all three filters.  Closer
> inspection revealed that the filters were all dirty!  So I again
> changed the filters together with the fuel lines, only to discover that my
> right side carb had a stuck needle valve (new Kadrons that are less than 4
> months old!).
> So lesson learned:  I suspect the fuel additive effectively cleaned my gas
> tank and then clogged my filters.  A small piece of grit may have also
> jammed the needle valve.  But perhaps most important:  There is a chance
> that the rubber fuel lines were collapsing from the inside.  Evidently,
> rubber or braided lines are easily deteriorated by the new gas mix.  At my
> next available day off I am going to fabricate some steel lines for as much
> of the delivery route as possible and plan to change the rubber connectors
> regularly.
> My $.02
> Dave Gillingham, Owner/Broker
> License # 01184185
> o:  (619) 435-0145
> m: (619) 992-5318
> e:  dave at coronado-realty.com <natalie at coronado-realty.com>
> a: 1111 9th St #202, Coronado, CA 92118
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