[T2] PLEASE....tell me how to make my 1974 VW bus horn work!!!!!
syd clarke sydclarke at shaw.caThu Sep 21 16:38:42 PDT 2017
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Hi, from Canadas "best Coast", I have a '74 Westy, and I cannot get the horn to work! Have replaced horn, checked wiring from 'bad spot' under bottom of colum, and checked fuse panel, and checked with voltmeter set at 12 volts, the connections at horn..nada Now I could just yell out of the window at people to replace the horn, but at 70 years of age, getting tough to do! Is there something I am missing in trying to solve this problem? Fuses good, "hump wire' good, horn good, horn 'ring' contact good! YES!! Cheers Syd
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