[T2] Good News
david raistrick keen at icantclick.orgMon Sep 18 09:33:38 PDT 2017
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> Tried to look again - and saw it. It was one of the small brass threaded things (not sure what they are called) that screws into the passenger side of the carb. I put it back in, and tightened it up. Good to go. > > My question to all of you - should I have put or should I put some loc-tite on this thing, or was it just a case of my not tightening it properly to begin with? Common problem - fuel or vacuum inlet? Or the idle shutoff valve/jet? If it's the idle shutoff, I always just screw them in bare and they're generally fine tightened snug. A bit of blue loctite won't hurt anything. If it's fuel or vacuum - they're usually pressed in, not threaded (except on early early carbs). They DO come out (usually the fuel, with all the fun that comes with that). I usually knurl the shaft and install with green loctite (for sleeve assemblies). For the plug in the back (FIF) of the carb throat (looks like a freeze plug type of thing), I install it in a nice bed of fresh jb-weld, then peen the surrounding metal for good measure.
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