[T2] Type 4 low oil pressure

[T2] Type 4 low oil pressure

Michael Howe dedhammike at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 18:50:35 PDT 2017

Just rebuilt type 4 motor on existing case.  Built as 2 liter.  New crank,
cam, pistons, cylinders, rods bearings etc.  Also changed oil relief valve
spring and oil pump with Schadek 26mm pump.  Oil light coming on when hot
and pressure drops to around 5psi or lower at idle.  Also oil temp is
around 220F.

Wondering if relief valve is not seating properly.  Inside of relief bore
where piston seats, there seems to be a ledge around the outside less than
.5mm wide.  Should that be there, or should that be totally flat inside?
Considering the Audirac 5/8 ball check to see if that will fix it.

Also, engine has been converted from mechanical pump to electric.  Should
the pump rod be in place or not to try to increase oil pressure?.  Rod is
currently out.

Engine is a CB case with only the relief valve and no oil control valve
between the lifter bores.

Thank you

Mike Howe
dedhammike at gmail.com

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