[T2] Too much quoted content?

[T2] Too much quoted content?

Tyler Hardison tyler at seraph-net.net
Wed Sep 16 07:05:01 MST 2015

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 8:26 PM,  <dan at geer.org> wrote:
> What I would **really** like is no base64 encoding.  Put differently,
> I don't bother reading them if that's how they come.  Plaintext
> ASCII seems rather sufficient for talking about 30 year old vehicles,
> and my mail system is of a similar age, similar simplicity, similar
> freedom from bells & whistles, similar invulnerability to gadget
> fuck-ups, etc., etc., etc.

Hey Dan,

We could install something to remove RTF and HTML formatting.

The biggest issue with this is that it will never be completely reliable.

I'm more interested in asking the list in general to police themselves
by activating features such as "plain text only" in your clients.
Unfortunately for those with electronic tethers, their email clients
sometimes lack this ability.

This basic etiquette is covered in the list charter:



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