[T2] 1800 cc engine intake manifold fasteners

[T2] 1800 cc engine intake manifold fasteners

Snoopy vwsnoopy at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 06:50:18 MST 2015

Bus depot sells an 8 x 9 mm stud. if you call, It is for for the head to exhaust on a T4

Look up time sert, it's a step up from helicoils IMO and comes as a set with drill, tap, etc so you'll be ready for the next time this happens

Please excuse the brevity or typos in this email. Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 5, 2015, at 9:38 PM, accessys at smart.net wrote:
> I think Bus Depot has some 8/10mm studs with one end being 8 and the other 10mm.  I would tap at 10mm and keep the engine metric and the studs are made for this type of thing
> Bob

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