[T2] Dished vs flat Pistons

[T2] Dished vs flat Pistons

Michael Howe dedhammike at gmail.com
Mon May 18 21:22:17 MST 2015

replacing pistons and cylinders on type 4 1700. Had to get AA piston set as
this was only ones available. Old Pistons were dished. New ones are flat
top. Distance from wrist pin to top of piston same on both types.

Heads are in good shape from being redone recently.  Heads are flat in
chamber area, no groove for cylinders.

Question 1:
I assume that my compression ratio will increase with this type of piston.
Will it be enough to cause me problems?  Case is still split waiting on
parts so I can't yet measure what compression ratio will be.

Question 2:
Should I use the head gaskets that come with the gasket kit?  I have no
groove in head to help seal and removing would seem to increase compression
ratio as well.

Thanks for any help.

Mike Howe
dedhammike at gmail.com

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