[T2] Brake booster topic

[T2] Brake booster topic

Michael Weary michael_j_weary at hotmail.com
Mon May 19 12:24:12 MST 2014

This one is EASY to figure out, and really be sure of when finished deciding...

1. Are the people you are getting advise from German engineers ? If NO go to option 2 and 3

2. Are the people traveling in your (sometimes overloaded with camping gear [weight]) bus people you love and would miss after their untimely deaths ?

If you are not sure of option 2... Alternate option 2a... Would they miss you (and your love and income)... 

If you answer YES to option 2 and/or 3... then that piece of equipment, i.e., brake booster (and entire brake system) needs to be working in tip top condition (I'd buy a new one) and is NEEDED !

Michael Weary

Sent from my iPhone... this thing is awesome !

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