[T2] 34 pict 3

[T2] 34 pict 3

Robert Mann robtmann7 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 17:17:43 MST 2014

RockIslandTim quoth:

>I have seen several 34pict3's that had the idle passage clogged and could
>not be cleared with  many attempts and techniques. The simple fix is the
>early models of Solex.

	One of those v experienced VW mechanics 
who gave me the v unfavourable assessment of the 
Solex 34-PICT-3 also tipped me off to this method 
(which he, let alone I, could not guarantee); but 
it does sometimes work as a tool-free unblocking 

The Method
	Warm up engine. Prepare CO2 extinguisher 
for a fast draw :-X.  Lift air-cleaner connection 
off top of carb.  Rev to „3000 rpm.  Hold hand 
over top of carb, causing engine to "die" to v 
low rpm.  Remove hand.
		Repeat sequence if nec'y.

Robt Mann
Whangaparaoa, New Zealand
'73 VW 1600dp Devon camper
'53 Meteor V8
various Jawa-CZ and Jawa-NZ strokers

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