[T2] weak spark (fwd)

[T2] weak spark (fwd)

accessys at smart.net accessys at smart.net
Mon Jan 20 13:21:34 MST 2014

GOOD NEWS / bad news.

Mike and a couple others suggested "hot wiring" the coil right from the battery 
so just did that, and it fired right up,  so the problem obviously is somewhere 
between battery and coil,

  have hot start relay so wiring to ignition is out of the loop so not an issue 
I suspect.

double relay was replaced with known good one and don't "suspect" that.

one other thing I noticed and may be totally unconnected with this probem is 
that the fuel pump runs whenever the ignition is on???  I know this is wrong 
but again may or may not have anything to do with this and is it's own seperate 
gremlin. (my kingdom for a totally new wiring harness (and someone else puts it 

now to track down the gremlin, I guess with staring at wiring diagram and 
looking for trouble spots aNd checking all the connectors and wires.

what do you guys who do this regularly find works better, going from coil 
towards battery checking or from battery towards the coil.  I tend to think 
going from coil to where I find good power would work, problem is I do get 12v 
to the coil, just not enough. dirty? loose? connectors, broken wire inside of 
insulation so touching but high resistance??????

and now it is calling for snow and bitter cold!

thanks for all the suggestions, I would not have considered hot wiring the coil 
thats a new one to me.

thanks again

On Mon, 20 Jan 2014, Sami Dakhlia wrote:

> Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:45:34 +0100
> From: Sami Dakhlia <sami.dakhlia at gmail.com>
> To: Bob carroll <accessys at smart.net>
> Subject: Re: [T2] weak spark
> I'm not familiar with that setup, but I would make sure all wires are
> positively connected, between battery, ignition box, optical trigger, and
> coil. Also engine ground strap.
> Good luck with that Bob and keep us posted!
> Sami
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 8:12 PM, <accessys at smart.net> wrote:
>> yes this is the bus, but I think it is just all the city driving that I
>> do, I live downtown and it is one red light after another.
>> the ignition is a Crane fireball with optical points, that checks out
>> correctly,  the old coil and a new MSD high output coil which is same as
>> what was in there.
>> yeah I didn't think it was ECU either but since I had one was easy swap.
>> Bob
>> On Mon, 20 Jan 2014, Sami Dakhlia wrote:
>>  Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 18:00:11 +0100
>>> From: Sami Dakhlia <sami.dakhlia at gmail.com>
>>> To: Bob carroll <accessys at smart.net>
>>> Subject: Re: [T2] weak spark
>>> Hi Bob,
>>> Maybe both coils were bad? Did you measure resistance, both primary and
>>> secondary coil circuit?
>>> Any other non-stock mods to your ignition system we should know about?
>>> Point replacement module?
>>> This is the bus with the mysteriously poor mileage, right?
>>> The way you describe it, I wouldn't swap ECU etc. since it's an 
>>> ignition,
>>> not a fuel delivery problem.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sami
>>> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 9:50 PM, <accessys at smart.net> wrote:
>>>> lately the bus (78 auto) has been getting hard to start,. and it has 
>>>> been
>>>> bitter cold so haven't wanted to do much work on it but last week got 
>>>> a
>>>> nice day and ran thru some checks
>>>> timing ok
>>>> fuel presure ok
>>>> but the spark was real eniemic yellow.  so swapped out the coil and 
>>>> still
>>>> phtz of a spark.   I have a high output coil so normally blue-white 
>>>> snap
>>>> but this is horrible.   have full 12v to the coil so has me scratching 
>>>> my
>>>> head.  if I get it started it runs fine plenty of power etc.  but why 
>>>> the
>>>> weak spark...???
>>>> have a couple things using the coil plus wire to supply switched power
>>>> but
>>>> not new so ???  I got a relay but haven't had a chance to install it 
>>>> but
>>>> can't imagine the problem.   have checked all the stuff in the fuel
>>>> injection trouble shooting manual.??
>>>> have a spare ECU so considering swapping that in.   but it won't even
>>>> fire
>>>> with ether most times.   but when it decides to start it starts right 
>>>> up
>>>> and runs fine until I let it sit for a few days.
>>>> Fri fired right up and drove some errands worked fine. went out this
>>>> morning and again this afternoon and can't get it to fire.???
>>>> ideas????
>>>> thanks
>>>> Bob
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