[T2] Front end getting loose

[T2] Front end getting loose

Jim Arnott jrasite at eoni.com
Fri Feb 7 21:09:29 MST 2014

Hi Dave,

I haven’t owned a Bay for years and years, but in my experience years and years ago, the most common cause of bay Window wander was worn swing lever shaft bushings here: <http://www.vagcat.com/epc/cat/vw/T2/1977/29/52/362889/>

Crawl under and have someone move the steering through the free play. Worn shows as the swing lever moving up and down. If bushings, back in my day, you’d punt because they required reaming following replacement. This may or may not still be the case.

IF I recall correctly.


On Feb 7, 2014, at 5:34 PM, Dave Gillingham <dave at coronado-realty.com> wrote:

> My questions:
> 1) Where to start, and how to determine what needs to be replaced?
> 2) What are the most likely suspects?
> 3) There a a good front end shop nearby - should I punt and have them do the work?

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