[T2] travailing out to CA again & GPS systems

[T2] travailing out to CA again & GPS systems

Mike Soultanian mike.soultanian at csulb.edu
Wed Jun 19 09:04:15 MST 2013

On 6/18/2013 7:19 PM, Kevin Guarnotta wrote:
> typically uses her cellphone GPS, and I can't get her to use a paper map.
> The cell phone things doesn't always have a good signal - especially when
> you get to the remote locations where you actually really need help. Plus

If it's a smartphone you can cache Google Maps for the location you're 
going to and it doesn't matter whether or not you have cell reception as 
you'll always have GPS reception unless you're under a rock.  I use my 
Android phone GPS all the way from SF to Tahoe all the time and it works 
great.  I also did this when I was in Canada as I didn't have phone 
reception but I did have WiFi and was able to cache the areas I needed 

I'm in Truckee (on the 80) - stop by and say hi :)


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