[T2] '76 bay misfires, sometimes stalls: why?

[T2] '76 bay misfires, sometimes stalls: why?

Jamie jrivers at globalserve.net
Tue Aug 6 17:52:59 MST 2013

----- Original Message ----- 
> So my best theory at this point is get a new fuel pump. I have no idea of 
> the age of the one that's in there.
> What theories do YOU have? Please share and I will take them all with me 
> when I go see to Rob again.

well,, a fuel pressure guage is pretty cheap... I have thought of putting 
one on the dash just to keep an eye on it...
when it misses, or stutters,, you can see if the gauge is fluxuating.

and a vac gauge,, same thing... if you put one one the dash..you can get 
better milage tooo , driving by the best reading..

I would find a way to check the voltage going to the pump... the double 
relay may be loosing its signal,, or chattering..

oh,,, check the condensor.. even if it is new... I still go by,, if it says 
germany on it.. it is good.. all the others fail.


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