[VB] [T2] Full length roof rack

[VB] [T2] Full length roof rack

Avocado Tom Tarka avocadotom at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 12:15:23 PDT 2021


Not sure if it helps, butI ended up buying aftermarket connectors for a
roof rack that I was building.  Something like that could probably be
adapted to this rack.

Let me know if you want me to send pictures or find the manufacturer name.

And: I'd love to see a picture of the rack.

  "We are MoTown.  We are professionals.  We're here to get the job done."

On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 1:50 PM Ric Jablonski <ricjablonski at gmail.com>

> I got a call on a full rack from some people moving. It has been outside 20
> years so kinda crusty. The problem is there are no legs on the rack. The
> mounting stuff is "around somewhere", but I have never seen a rack without
> the legs to fit in the rain gutter. I did a google search and saw one, but
> not the mounting hardware. Anyone seen this or have any info? When I got
> there the lady said it came from a bus from the 80s so figured it was a
> vanagon thing, but today she emailed to say it was on a 72 bus according to
> her son living overseas. I can email a pic to anyone that wants to see what
> I saw!
> Thanks!
> --
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