[VB] Full length roof rack

[VB] Full length roof rack

Ric Jablonski ricjablonski at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 18:04:45 PDT 2021

I got a call on a full rack from some people moving. It has been outside 20
years so kinda crusty. The problem is there are no legs on the rack. The
mounting stuff is "around somewhere", but I have never seen a rack without
the legs to fit in the rain gutter. I did a google search and saw one, but
not the mounting hardware. Anyone seen this or have any info? When I got
there the lady said it came from a bus from the 80s so figured it was a
vanagon thing, but today she emailed to say it was on a 72 bus according to
her son living overseas. I can email a pic to anyone that wants to see what
I saw!


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