[T2] [Q] Heat Resistant Foam

[T2] [Q] Heat Resistant Foam

c.dreike c.dreike at verizon.net
Sat May 12 21:04:14 PDT 2018

Before installing that UltraTouch from Home Depot, I would suggest 
testing the fire retardant nature by training the flame of a torch onto 
it as I did. YMMV.
Here is another link for under hood material:


64 DD Kamper Kit

On 5/12/2018 5:23 PM, MUTS wrote:
> https://www.homedepot.com/p/UltraTouch-48-in-x-6-ft-Radiant-Barrier-30000-11406/100656748 
> Note your link also shows Reflectix, We use it as a window heat 
> exclusion barrier by spray gluing it to the outside of the rear 
> windows by our bed in the Roadtrek 210 Class B camper we also have.  
> This is foil bubblewrap and would not stand the heat of an engine 
> compartment.  The fire rating suggests it would work to replace the 
> insulation the squirrels ripped out for a nest from the Roadtrek hood 
> liner; mice have removed the Westy engine roof liner and thids should 
> work.
> On 5/12/2018 6:18 PM, c.dreike wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I used the NASA insulation on the roof of my engine compartment.
>> Seems that Home Depot sells it.  Here is a link:
>> https://www.homedepot.com/p/UltraTouch-48-in-x-24-ft-Radiant-Barrier-30000-11424/100661257?cm_mmc=Shopping%7CG%7CBase%7CD22%7C22-4_INSULATION%7CGeneric%7CPLA%7CAllInsulation%7c71700000033760329%7c58700003913725483%7c92700032580649969&gclid=Cj0KCQjwodrXBRCzARIsAIU59TI5qvaZa7V0r0NfTpZ7J92_njNlvOyCw4Eg75G765YM642NmbhZqqIaAndgEALw_wcB&dclid=CIfk-N-RgdsCFQnqZAod1IMKpw 
>> It looks like the same stuff I have here. I took my propane 
>> Bernzomatic to it and it charred, flamed slightly and then self 
>> extinguished. This is per the specs I have on my roll. Seems that at 
>> the time I purchased, it was approved for aircraft.
>> Regards,
>> Chris
>> 64DD Kamper Kit
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