[T2] link to Amsoil ASTM-D130 tests of gear oils safe for yellow metal synchros

[T2] link to Amsoil ASTM-D130 tests of gear oils safe for yellow metal synchros

david raistrick keen at icantclick.org
Mon Nov 21 14:20:26 PST 2016

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Robert Mann <robtmann7 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>foamy oil came out over nosecone, likely from vent hole? ...
>> Could it be water in this fairly new oil?
>      I don't know any agent other than water that can cause foamy oil.  It
> is familiar in crankcase oil after a head gasket lets water in from a
> coolant jacket in a *late* Brasilian bus.  Also it occurs early in one's
> development of water-injection; it is possible to suck in too much water
> which immediately causes foam.
>      Can water have gained ingress during your bus's long rest?

using detergent oil in a formerly-only-non-detergent environment can
do the foam thing pretty hardcore.   Not thinking about it I switched
one of my big compressors over to a detergent oil.....wasted like 4
changes worth thinking it was a water issue (or rabies.) , only to
switch back to a ND and have it go away.

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