[T2] 1971 bus brake hose

[T2] 1971 bus brake hose

Anthony Hopkins tony5amhopkins at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 5 22:58:51 MST 2015

I think that is a bone yard find or some one parting out.I could not find one 10 years ago then found a Parts bus.Maybe you could carefully clean the tube and epoxy the crack till the new is found.The rubber Sleeves that fit inside both ends are kinda tough to locate also.I have used spark plug wire collars that are at the end of the wire where it attaches to the insulator.Make sure the rubber pieces are fastened in place and tight before brake fluid refill …The brake fluid willeat them before your "Eyes"….you may be able to find "Blue hose " like on the master Cylinder but in a largerDiameter to fit …….Tony 

     On Wednesday, August 5, 2015 10:35 PM, ka1dza <ka1dza at verizon.net> wrote:

 Hi all,
I'm looking for the hose that goes from the brake reservoir to the brake assist/master cylinder of a 1971 bus. It's NLA at Bus Depot, grrrrrrrrrrrr.
This is were the brake fluid was leaking from.


Bob Pratt
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