[T2] VW gtg in the edmonds area (seattle, wa)

[T2] VW gtg in the edmonds area (seattle, wa)

Stuart Zickefoose ess1board at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 20:56:46 MST 2013

Would love to see the local clubs and groups show up and set this game off!
we will be the halftime entertainment show, so im hoping for a good array
of VW owners :)

Let me know if links do not work, or if you have any questions.


      - iday, July 12,
   Gonna have a get together and show off our VWs!

   Aircooled and Watercooled VW owners both! dont care what year, come show
   off your Dubs!

   Where: Edmonds Woodway High School Stadium

   When: July 12, 6:30 i wanna have cars start showing up. game starts at
   7:30, but want to have cars lined up and ready to show.

   What: North Sound Seawolves soccer home game! ( http://en.wikipedia.org/

   The game cost 10 bucks for adults, 5 for kids. if you show up in a VW,
   of any year, its half off admission, and if you show your car, its FREE
   admission for whoever is in your car (limit to number of seatbelts please)

   the goal is to show off our cars for the halftime show, and enjoy
   watching soccer and hanging out as a group on a nice july afternoon

   there will be live news coverage, and a chance to be interviewed about
   your car (s) if you are interested.

   ****As it is on school property, the edmonds school district does not
   allow Alcoholic drinks, any drungs, and any weapons. please respect these

   Clubs who should considor showing up:
   Cascade Kombis Vintage Volkswagen Club
   Northwest VW Club
   Kahiko Kula's
   Eastside Aircoolers
   Apple Valley Volkswagen
   Bay Pride Alliance
   PNW Mk3 FS/WTB page
   The Northwest FB VW group

   And anyone with a VW on their car or key :)
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