Cylinder Head Ports
by Karl von Salzen
Question: Is it possible to install the
CHT sensor into the EGR hole of the 1800cc head? The threads aren't
the same but I feel I could "adjust" it
NO NO NO!!! They are NOT EGR ports. They
are air injection ports for the smog pump.
EGR is exhaust gas recirculation. EGR is
exhaust gas being added to the intake mixture to lower combustion
temps to stop the formation of NOx.
Air injection is used to add air to the
exhaust ports to complete the burn to lower HC.
If you stick your #3 temp sensor in the
exhaust gas flow, you WILL melt it. It is
Get a 10x1.0 tap and a drill bit and
enlarge the tin screw hole forward of #3 intake
PLUG the air injection