Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 01:46:31 -0800 From: Mike West Subject: Karma on Greyback fluff The day after Christmas and you guys are still all stuffed with turkey or or playing with the nephews new RC car. We need a story here. . . . . My brother in law has a new twist on this "help fellow motorists" thing. No matter who's driving what, he stops. His way is a little better than mine, he has a phone in the car. He's a gimp so it's kind of necessary. He isn't part of our little conspiracy against apathy but as he told me yesterday when he stopped for some little old lady, (pathetic ain't it?) :-) he figures one of these days he's going to be stuck some-place and he wants them all to remember it was a volkswagen helped them out that time. The lady just called her son to come get her and we're out of there. Beats poking around inside a Luv pickup. :-) Later, we're talking about doing packed snow ice and how well he had done the week before over in Beatty. I guess that's how it's spelled, pronounced "Batey". Which of course brought to mind my trip up Greyback Mountain a few years ago. I was taking an Indian woman of whom I was aquainted up Greyback for the first snow of the season. About 4 foot up on top. I'm doing the bug scene at this time and have no fear. The no fear part is partly bravado in front of my friend,(women do that to guys) and partly because there is enough gear and rations to live for a week if need be, stuffed in the bonnet. Greyback is the mountain where the Oregon Caves are located. Miles and miles of under-ground caverns for the tourist trade. Discovered by a miner back in the "old days" who was out looking for his dog. He was looking for his dog because he'd sent the dog out some days before to look for the damned burro. It's kind of a three-cornered "love-hate" thing that is the plight of miners everywhere but since it is not germane to the story, we needn't pursue it. It was one of those "Winter Wonderland" days, the trees all hanging down with the weight of the snow, the road packed with about 4inches of this stuff. Pocohantas is shooting pictures and I'm maintaining the the "Beetle crawl" up the mountain. We get almost to the caves and come to one of the spectacular scenes you see in Patagonia catalogs or a calender. Heavy Forest and heavy snow. So she wants to stop and shoot some. Outside curve going up the hill, so I stop. We get out to shoot the photos, slipping even in good boots, there on the road. I hear this sliding behind me and turn. There goes the Beetle right into the ditch. :-) That's how little traction the little beast can drive in. The rest of the story is the embarrassing part. I have everything but chains. :-) Well. . . . . I never said I was perfect! :-) I'm being cool and shooting photos of Poco' digging it out of the snow-bank and along comes this guy from town who works at the 'Caves. He's from Florida. He just came from the tire store where he bought "chains"! He has never even had them out of the box yet, but he wants to try them out so he starts putting them on my car! Doesn't want me to help, he wants to figure it all out himself. I do some jacking etc. but that's about all. I'm really using up Karma that day. This guy from Florida was blue to the elbows by the time we got it out of the ditch. While this is going on, there are other "Intrepids" coming down the hill and we had a Jeep and a Bronco in the ditch up the hill, trying to miss me and the Floridans car. Get me out, these other guys are now putting their own chains on to get out of the ditch, I drive to the top, turn around and come back down. Now I insist he let me take them off mine and put on his. "No", he'd rather himself. He took them off mine now that I'm pointed down hill and put them on his own rig. Tho we stayed till he was done and I gave him a towel to dry with, I still feel like a jerk to this day. :-) And no he wouldn't take money either. So back to the Karma thing, I have a big hole there. Figure I'm going to have to help some 18 wheeler chain up one of these days just to break even. :-) The guy from Florida was driving something like a plymouth station wagon. He was a "split-window" dude anyway. west