Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 17:13:48 -0700 From: Charlie Ford Subject: So which are you? A friend sent me this note a little while ago after I stirred thing up on the AmeriCorps listserv. Sometimes, on that list, I tend to piss people off more than entertain them. It is amazing the power of this internet. People can't see you so body language, or even smiles, play no role in the post they read. Meet the Tate Family You may have heard of the Tate Family. Members of this family attend every group. There is Dic Tate who wants to run everything. Ro Tate tries to change things --- whether they need it or not. Agi Tate stirs up trouble whenever possible. She gets a helping hand from her brother, Irri Tate. Devas Tate loves to interrupt whatever is happening. And Poten Tate wants to be the big shot. When new ideas are suggested, Hesi Tate and Vegi Tate are quick to say why they will not possibly work. Imi Tate would rather copy others than try something new. Thank goodness the Tate family also has Facili Tate, Cogi Tate and Medi Tate. They are willing to pray, think, and plan. They get everyone pulling together. Which member of the Tate family are you? Charlie "79" Transporter, dressed for the road The Mothership The"Turning 40 Nostalgic VW Service Tour, and Search for the Beginning of Wind". "Wider still and wider.....shall thy bounds be set"