Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 15:47:05 -0500 From: Charlie Ford Subject: Losing my Virginity Today I took a very large leep forward into VW ownership. I strode bravely into the engine compartment and removed the alternator from the Mothership. The idiot light came on a couple of days ago, I had it checked and sure enough it was bad. I went and priced one at NOPI, they explained to me that it would cost me about 170.00 bucks to get a new one. I explained to them that that made me sad and depressed. : ( I checked around Hazlehurst and believe it or not found an auto electric shop from the old school. You know, where stuff is laying around everywhere, and the only place that is really clear is where the guy does the work. The owner, a Mr. James Lewis said that he could rebuild the thing if I could get it out. He said he had owned a Square Back a few years ago, and knew enough about them that he didn't want the problem of extracting it. I believe he ended up with the better part of the bargin. But I needed the experience, so last night I read up on it (Haynes), 5 times, and dreamed of alternators. I got up this morning, put on the grease clothes, got out my tools and proceeded to scrub for the surgery. The patient was willing and ready, although I did have to jackstand her rear passenger side to get at a few of the bolts holding the tumored part in place. She didn't seem to mind. I had on hand the Haynes Manual, which by the way gives great instructions, but no pictures, so I got out the latest issue of Playboy so I could have some pictures to look at while working. not exactly the right kind, but still extremely stimulating while doing mechanic work. Now I know why all the shops you go to have those highly cultured Snap-On Calendars. Hmmmmmm........: ) It took me about an hour, but finally I disconnected the bowel (power supply), and pulled out the part. Hey!, it was the right part, and I was pleased that now I would not have to shell out 170 bucks to NOPI but could pay only a cool 35.00 to have it rebuilt by James Lewis. What a celebration I had. "Life is good" while being greasy. Hopefully the install will go as smoothly as the extraction. I haven't done any work of this sort in quite a while. This is the sort of satisfaction that only comes with scratching a knuckle or two. Happiness reigns in South Georgia. Just thought ya'll might be interested in the further adventures and exploits. Take care, Charlie Ford "79" Transporter, dressed for the road The Mothership The"Turning 40 Nostalgic VW Service Tour, and Search for the Beginning of Wind". "Wider still and wider.....shall thy bounds be set"