Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:00:22 -0700 From: Charlie Ford To: Subject: 3 Questions I am heading toward New England in a few days and plan on visiting Montreal, Quebec City, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. I am sure it will take me a few weeks to do all of this. While on this leg of the journey I would like to meet as many of you as I can fit in. Short detours are fine. I will be working my way from Cincinatti to Columbus to Cleveland to Buffalo to Montreal to Quebec City and so forth. Thus the following questions: 1. Is there anyone on the first part of the route that I can have some mail sent to and pick it up when I arrive in your area? (it is a check from the Colorado work I am doing right now and believe me I will need that money as usual) 2. How many folks are willing to lend me a level spot to crash for the night? 3. What type weather am I likely to see? Thanks, Charlie if anyone needs anything from this part of the country please let me know and I can pick it up for you. : ) "79" Transporter, dressed for the road The Mothership The"Turning 40 Nostalgic VW Service Tour, and Search for the Beginning of Wind". "Wider still and wider.....shall thy bounds be set"