Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 22:51:31 -0500 From: Charlie Ford Subject: Life Beyond LA Preface: Iım sorry it has taken me so long to post a new writing to the list. I have been extremely busy frantically trying to find some temporary work so I wonıt go hungry and become homeless out here on the west coast. I believe I may have found something finally through a temp agency here in San Francisco, at least that is what the guy at a place called Manpower tells me. I will try and fill all of you in on the happeningıs of the past week in this posting. Pepperdine University and David Robinson I awoke at Leo Carillio State Park and after enjoying some coffee and engaging conversation with the guy in the campsite next to me I headed out to meet Dave at Pepperdine University. I called first to let him know that I was in the area and would be driving southward to where he was. He told me that by the time I got there he would be waiting for me. he asked if I could eat something and I never say no to a question like that. I stayed around the campsite for a while longer and made sure that all of my trash was up and in the proper containers, then off I went. I drove back down highway #1 to the entrance of Pepperdine. At least one of the entrances. John Tyler Avenue winds itıs way up the hill, more like mountain, and into the heart of the Pepperdine campus. Along the way there is building after building sitting on a slope that is second to none. In other words from the time you pull into the campus at sea level, you start climbing and you donıt stop until your each about 1000 ft. above sea level. The campus is beautiful and very neatly kept. it is a showcase of university campuses. Compared to this I went to a dirt hole. Lee College is in east Tennessee and it is nice, but this is spectacular. I found a payphone and asked a student where I was exactly so that I could relay that inf. on to Dave when I called him the second time, all of you know how good I am with directions. I later found out that if I would have asked the student where Dave lived he would have been able to give me that information just as easily as he had told me what building I was standing beside. Dave is a very popular guy on campus, with the ladies and the gents. Every one knows him and likes to be around him, I can see why. He is a senior and one of the more friendly folks I have ever met. I called and explained to Daveıs answering machine that I was standing by the infirmary and waiting for him to come and show me the way to his abode. I sat down in the side door of my bus and waited. I asked some young ladies standing on the corner where the C-block dorm was and they explained that it was right over there. I was in the right place and now just needed to wait for the right person to come and get me. Dave came along a few minutes later and the first thing I noticed was his receptiveness to my being there. It was as if he was greeting some long lost relative that happened to visit him. The first thing he wanted to do was see the Mothership. I am always happy to show off this marvel of VW ingenuity and creativity, even though she has had a few problems as of late. He seemed genuinely impressed as are most of the folks that have seen her. He took me inside and we sat down to talk and visit. I met one of his old roommates and buddyıs and we all talked while Dave went into the kitchen to whip up some of his special Burritos. Folks, this guy can make a burrito just like mama used to try to make. He slaved away over the hot stove with drive, and brought me one of the largest most delicious culinary delights known to my taste buds, and my tastebuds have been around. It was filled with green peppers, onions, and all sorts of things that when mixed together made me feel better about myself and the world in which I was visiting. I have found that Mexican food on the west coast differs so much from Mexican food on the east coast. Dave is from Phoenix and apparently he has learned from some of the best burrito makers in the business. This man should go into the restaurant business. I can see it now. Dandy Daveıs Burrito Emporium, Mmmmm Good! We sat and talked for a while and then Dave and I escaped to go and tend to a bit of what interest both of us, VW Busses. We walked out to where I had parked the Mothership and it just so happened that there was an open parking spot right in front of her, so he ran around to where his bus ³Maggie² was parked and drove her around to the spot. It looked like a breadloaf convention in the parking lot of Pepperdine C block. We compared engines and oil leaks, crawled under the vehicles and explored even further. We tried to ascertain whether or not he had hydraulic lifters, but he said the pushrod tubes, according to Reverend Bob were no indication of this. I had always thought that it was, but I also trust the words of Reverend Bob so I caved in and excepted that I must be wrong. Which I frequently am when it comes to VWıs. Daveıs bus ³ Maggie² is a very nice lime green color, with a white top half. It is quite nice to look at, but I must agree with him that it doesnıt run as nicely as the Mothership. The previous owner had apparently rigged the bus so it would run fair and look good, and then left it alone. The guy just didnıt know what he had. He concentrated on looks rather than running quality. This person had taken the engine and wiring and run amuck on it with no regard to the proper wiring diagram. The wires are tangled and dangling, and the oil leaks are many. Dave said ³I have a lot of work to do², and rightfully so. I kind of liken this abuse to mistreating a dog. It just ainıt right to do that to such a fine machine. I trust that Dave will do the work it will take to put the bus back the way it deserves to be. Dave is just that kind of guy. I would brag more on him, because he is a very impressive young man, but I might embarrass him and I certainly wouldnıt want to do that to this noble man. I will say though that if any of you have the chance to meet David Robinson donıt pass up the chance. In so many ways I would like to be like him when I grow up. I wish I had his drive and purpose when I was in school. I stayed that night, sleeping in my bus, and moved on the next morning. My visit with Dave was great, and for some reason I think I will one day see him again. he is a good man and one that I admire. In fact, I believe this weekend he is Tijauna Mexico helping to build a house for some poverty stricken people. That gives me the idea that we all might could put together a VW list service project somewhere one day. What do all of you think? I could see it now, 100 bus owners equipped with tools meeting up somewhere to work with Habitat for Humanity or some other group for a weekend of service. More to come soon, just kinda tied up right now. Thanks for tolerating my rambling's. Charlie "79" Transporter, dressed for the road The Mothership The"Turning 40 Nostalgic VW Service Tour, and Search for the Beginning of Wind". "Wider still and wider.....shall thy bounds be set"