Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 20:26:12 -0500 From: Charlie Ford Subject: It's cold out here!!! day 1, 2, Well, I cut out from my Mothers house in Southern georgia on Thursday nite. I drove to Athens geogia and camped on the Oconee river. there is a free public campground located on Hwy 15 just south of Athens for any of you that may travel through there. I had lunch on Firday with a couple of special friends of mine that work at the University of Ga. I left out of there and headed for Birmingham. I wind blew me around like i was a toy truck. I got to Birmingham traveling I-20, it was sort of ironic that the search for the beginning of wind began with a noreaster blowing directly in my face, it was almost like it was trying to fight me back. But I am on a mission from God mam! : ) I found a campsite in Jasper, Alabama, and exciting place with plenty of four wheel drive pick-ups and buffet houses. The campground I stayed in sucked, it was one of those places between the interstate and a bad nieghborhood. but I slept well, woke up aroun d 6:30, took a shower and headed out for memphis, I arrived there about lunch after seeing one really bad accident caused by the ice and the foolish speeding driver. A 96 Beamer (BMW), was passing everybody at a pretty good rate of speed. they were on the inside lane and when the bridge we were approaching came into play, the ice won the race. the car veered across the medain, flew into the air about 20 ft, flipped while in mid air, landed on its roof and slid about forty yards. I stopped prepared to pull mangled meat of the car and do what I could for them, but by the time I stopped and ran across, the occupants were wiggling out. I had the first aid kit and starting the healing process. Amazingly they were alright except for some cuts and scrathes. They need to thank someone I believe. I left that one, drove 1/2 mile, and saw another one. this time some guy just slid out and hit the side of the bridge, he was fine but the van was trashed out. I stood there and directed traffice while the only cop in the area did his stuff. On my way again I came to Memphis. I went into down town and visited the Statue of Elvis, it was cold, (18 degrees), so i didn't hang out long. Only long enough to dig the King a bit. he also looked cold, so I said bye, he said bye, and I was on my way. it was early so I said what the hell "drive to Little Rock". Here I sit in brinkly arkansas in an RV park. the office lady let me use the phone line to hook up and send you guys this message. The Mothership is cooling out from her day. She is running great and quiet, no runs, drips, or errors. maybe i also have someone to thank. Tomorrow I am headed for Oklahoma City. I will be there a few days as I have a friend there I need to see. Stay tuned, be back in touch as I can. Charlie Ford PLEASE DO NOT REPLY : ) Unless of course it is necessary and would make you feel better. "79" Transporter, dressed for the road The Mothership The"Turning 40 Nostalgic VW Service Tour, and Search for the Beginning of Wind". "Wider still and wider.....shall thy bounds be set"